The Research Program “Philosophy and History of Science” focuses on two of the different perspectives of so-called meta-scientific studies of science or science studies, with the intention of contributing to their better knowledge, namely: philosophy of science, history of science, and their interrelationships. With its various research lines and projects, the program’s activities deploy in the fields of general philosophy of science, general science history and historiography of science (analyzing the common aspects of science, making abstraction of the particularities and specificities of the various disciplines), the diverse special philosophies of science (when addressing specific philosophical problems of particular sciences) and special stories of science (in which cases or particular episodes in the history of science are discussed in detail), as well as the interface that is conformed by the philosophy of science and the history of science in diacronic philosophy (or historical) of science and technology or historical epistemology of science, and philosophical history of science.
Director: Dr. Pablo Lorenzano
Current Projects
“Laws and theories in biological and biomedical sciences.” PIP No. 112-201101-01135. Directed by Pablo Lorenzano, funded by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET). (2012-2014)
“Theories and scientific practices.” No. of Res. / Ref.: 1019-1011. As part of the research program “Philosophy and History of Science”, PUNQ, 1019-1011. Institute for Science and Technology Studies, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Director: Pablo Lorenzano. (2011-2015)
“Models and representation in formal and factual sciences. Historical and conceptual analysis.” No. of Res. / Ref.: 1019-1011. As part of the research program “Philosophy and History of Science”, PUNQ, 1019-1011. Institute for Science and Technology Studies, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Director: Pablo Lorenzano. (2011-2015)
“Theories and scientific practices.” PICT 2007 N ° 1558. Directed by Pablo Lorenzano, funded ANPCyT / FONCyT (2009-2012).
“Scientific realism and ancient astronomy.” Bicentennial PICT (PICT-2010-0319), Category A (topics), Type D (newly formed groups). Res. ANPCyT N ° 98/11. Director: Christian Carman. (2011-2013)
“The interconnections between language, logic and calculation. Historical and theoretical perspectives.” Code 11/H499, under the Incentive Program for Research, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Directed by Oscar Esquisabel. Co-Director: Prof. Dr. Javier Legris. (2008-2012)