Technologies for Inclusive and Sustainable Development
Thomas, H., Becerra, L. y Juarez, P. (2018), Deepening the Field, Raising the Stakes: Generating Technologies for Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Downey, G. Making and Doing, Virginia Tech University, Estados Unidos.
Thomas, H., Juarez, P. y Picabea, F. (2018), Innovation and Technologies for Inclusive Sustainable Development, Technology and Development Collection, National University of Quilmes, Bernal.
Juarez, P. (org.) (2018): Water Platform, SEDCERO Program. available in:
Juarez, P., Trentini, F. y Becerra, L. (2018), Transformative Social Innovation for Food Sovereignty: The Disruptive Alternative, Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, Universidad Cardiff, Inglaterra.
Thomas, H., Becerra, L., Fressoli, M., Garrido, S. and Juarez, P. (2017), Theoretical and Policy Failures in Technologies and Innovation for Social Inclusion: The cases of social housing, renewal energy and food production in Argentina. En Stefan Kuhlmann y Gonzalo Ordonez-Matamoros (eds.), Research Handbook on Innovation Governance for Emerging Economies: Towards Better Models, Londres: Edward Elgar publishing.
Becerra, L.; Thomas, H. (2017), Innovation, cooperatives and inclusive development: rethinking technological change and social inclusion. En Scott, M. y North, P. (Eds).Towards Just and Sustainable Economies: The Social and Solidarity Economy North and South. UK: University of Bristol Policy Press.
Bortz, G. y Thomas, H. (2017), Biotechnologies for inclusive development: scaling up, knowledge intensity and empowerment (the case of the probiotic yoghurt ‘Yogurito’ in Argentina). Innovation & Development, vol. 7 (1).
Garrido, S.; Moreira, A. (2017). Farming together, learning together, and improving together. A Socio-technical analysis of the development of inter-cooperative fish-farming projects in Argentina. Innovation & Development, vol.7 (1).
Gordon, A., Becerra, L. and Fressoli, M. (2017), Potentialities and constraints in the relation between social innovation and public policies: Some lessons from South America, Ecology and Society Journal 22 (4), DOI: 10.5751/ES-09493-220402
Thomas, H., Becerra, L. y Garrido, S. (2016): Technological systems, power and counter-power: analysis of socio-technical dynamics of counter-hegemony and resistance, en Benoit, Godin y Dominique, Vinck (Coord.) (2016) Critical Studies of Innovation. Alternative Approaches to the Pro-Innovation Bias, Edward Elgar Publishing, Reino Unido, ISBN 978-1-78536-696-3.
Picabea, F. y Thomas, H. (2015): Inclusive innovation and sustainable development in affordable habitat: from the linear intervention model to Social Technological Systems, 13th GLOBELICS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE September 23-25, Havana, Cuba.
Thomas, H.; M. Fressoli, y L. Becerra (2012), Science and Technology Policy and Social Ex/Inclusion. Analysing opportunities and constraints in Brazil and Argentina, Science and Public Policy, 39, (5), pp. 579-591.
Garrido, S. y A. Lalouf (2012), The socio-technical alliance. Bringing new tools to the design of policies aimed to promote social inclusion, Review of Policy Research, 29, (6), pp. 733-751.
Tecnology and Circular Economy
Becerra, L., Carenzo, S., Juarez, P. y Thomas, H. (2018), Circular Economy and Sustainable Inclusive Development for Latin America: Two cases of urban recycling and rural water and sanitation in Argentina. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), Buffalo (EEUU), 26-28 de Junio.
Carenzo, S. (2017), Invisibilized creativity: Sociogenesis of an " innovation " process developed by cartoneros for post-consumption waste recycling, International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace.
Carenzo, S. (2016), Waste Classification as a Craft under Construction: The Worker's Experience at Buenos Aires’ “Social Classification Plants”, The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology.
Carenzo, S. (2016), Materiality and the Recovery of Discarded Materials in a Buenos Aires Cartonero Cooperative Discourse, Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture.
Juarez, P., Carenzo, S. y Becerra, L. (2016), Circular economy in Latin America: A perspective for inclusive sustainable development, Disruptive Innovation Festival, Nov. 17.