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Simposio: ‘Local and global drivers of transformation towards sustainability in Latin America: Cases from place-based research on social-ecological systems’

FutureEarthEl simposio ‘Local and global drivers of transformation towards sustainability in Latin America: Cases from place-based research on social-ecological systems’ tendrá lugar en el marco de la II Conference of the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society y tendrá lugar en Oaxaca, del 7 al 10 de noviembre 2017. El simposio es co-organizado por el equipo de Cambio Climático de la CIRAD (Francia) y el IESCT-UNQ (Argentina). Cierre de envío de resúmenes: 30 de marzo.


Oaxaca, 7 - 10 november 2017

‘Local and global drivers of transformation towards sustainability in Latin America: Cases from place-based research on social-ecological systems’

Organizer: Bruno Locatelli (CIRAD-CIFOR, Climate Change Team, France)
Paula Juarez (IESCT-UNQ, TRANSIT Team, Argentina)

According to the PECS working group on "Seeds of a good Anthrophocene", our future is often represented by dystopian representations combining environmental degradation and social inequality. Proposing and discussing positive social-ecological futures can help discussing changes in the way people interact among them and with nature. Some good examples of social-ecological transformation towards sustainability exist in Latin America and are interesting case studies to understand the local and global drivers of such transformations.
This session will present place-based research on processes of social-ecological transformation in Latin America. Presentations will describe the processes and their social, ecological, technological and economic outcomes. With explicit conceptual frameworks, presentations will analyse how local and global drivers facilitate or hinder transformation and how social, technological, economic and biophysical drivers interact. Case studies will include a discussion on the future of the studied transformations, the transferability of findings to inform global sustainability research, and the up-scaling of local successful transformation processes.

• To present case studies of local place-based research on processes of social-ecological transformation in Latin America.
• To analyze the role of local and global drivers in facilitating or hindering transformation.
• To discuss the transferability of findings to inform global sustainability research and the up-scaling of local successful transformation processes.

This symposium will contribute to the following overarching theme of the conference: "Context-specific pathways towards sustainability". It will discuss the challenges of fostering transformative change and will address questions such as "How do transformation processes unfold in different types of contexts".

All speakers must submit their abstracts at www.pecsii.org by March 30. The system for uploading abstracts will be open soon at the PECS webpage. Each participant can only give one talk as presenter during PECS.

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