The Argentinean Network of Technologies for Social Inclusion [Red de Tecnologías para la Inclusión Social Argentina (RedTISA)] aims to organize, coordinate and integrate a set of institutions and public and private organizations (universities, NGOs, cooperatives work, research and development centers, etc.) in order to contribute to the Argentinean sustainable development through communication, capacity building and consulting for the reapplication of Technologies for Social Inclusion (TSI).
RedTISA fosters the collective construction and exchange of both traditional & local knowledge and scientific & technologic knowledge experiences oriented towards an inclusive and sustainable development. It is thus a space for participation, intervention and the development of new public policies.
The RedTISA aims to:
- Widen the debate on the role of Science and Technology for Social Inclusion.
- Create a new space for collaboration among institutions and stakeholders that develop and implement TSI in the national level.
- Encourage communication and learning processes between different experiences and institutions.
- Provide information, training and technical assistance for the development of TSI.
Founding organizations
- Institute for Science and Technology Studies - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
- Plurales Foundation
- Water and Youth Movement – Argentina
- Labour Cooperative ICECOOP Ltd.
- Program Council for Social Actor's Demand (PROCODAS)
Support from public institutions
- International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- National Agency of Scientific and Technological Promotion (ANPCYT)
- Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT)
- Program Council for Social Actor's Demand (PROCODAS)
- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ)
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